Saturday, 23 January 2016

Pallas' Cat

Hey people! Sorry for the HUGE delay in this post. To make it up to you, I showed you a cat. Forgive me, THE CAT.
So today I'll be talking about the Pallas's Cat(Otocolobus manul). This feline is amazing. Believe me, truly amazing. It lives in Central Asia, mostly in Tibet at altitudes of over 11000 feet i.e. 3350 metres. Also, it is very fluffy. I mean seriously fluffy. Have a look.

Some other facts about the cat: 

1. Unlike all other felines, its pupils do not contract to slits. They become smaller circles, like us humans.

2. They are excellent stalkers and ambush hunters(have a look at the image) but poor runners because of their stocky bodies.
*Psssst!!!* I'm hiding!

3. Their fur changes colour. In winter, their coats are grey and white while they sport grey and ochre in summer.

4. They are loners. Both males and females are solitary, with a territory of about two to three miles. Heck, I wonder how far they travel during mating season.

5. Speaking of mating season, it's ridiculously short for them. Females are in estrus for only 26 to 42 hours. THAT is short, even for cats. Which is also why they're endangered.

Pallas's Kitten
6. Their fur is longer and denser than any other species of cat. The fur on their bellies and tails is almost twice as long as that on their top and sides. This is to keep them all warm and cosy and snuggly and oh-so-plush-that-I-want-to-bury-my-face-in-it

7. Also, their size is a sham. That fluff only creates the illusion of being extra large. They're actually about the size of domestic cats without their fur─adults are 26 inches long and weigh only 5 kilograms. 

8. They have dog blood in them, metaphorically speaking. Which means that they can yelp and growl like dogs.

9. They are the Most. Expensive. Pet. Cats. Ever. I wouldn't like to tell how much they cost, but I'll tell you one thing. All that money goes waste. They can't survive outside cold regions. But being humans, we HAVE to buy those critters so that we, you know, get ~*FaMoUs*~.

10. The Internet loves them. It is filled with memes and puns featuring this stylish furball.

BONUS FACT: This cat shows a variety of facial expressions:-

1. The Annoyed/Irritated One.

2.The Angry One.


3. The Birthday Surprise.

4. The I-told-you-so Face.
HA! I told you so!

5. The Death Stare.

6. The Laughing One; the one which makes you think that it IS probably crazy.

7. Disappointment.

I had hopes on you, son.

 8. Awe.
 9. The ba-dum-tsss/ Drumroll/ ta-da Face.

10. The Smug Face which makes you wonder what you have in your bag. A pika or field mouse, perhaps?

All my cat does is the *meh* face.

Whew! That's the most I've ever written. That's all then. Toodloo!!!